Last Fighter (#3) has won the 3:05 at Meydan which was race 2 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Jamhoori (#15), Roayh (#6) and Mark To Market (#13).
There are now 1257 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 23736 are live going for the place fund.
The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 3, the 3:20 at Naas: –
Horse | Win Tickets | Place Tickets |
Fav. | 8 | 1199 |
1. Dul Ar An Ol | 19 | 126 |
2. Moville | 4 | 72 |
3. El Mondo | 10 | 211 |
4. Matsukaze | 370 | 10562 |
5. Courageous Cry | 32 | 355 |
6. Rory Anna | 11 | 204 |
7. Tennis Cap | 308 | 4537 |
8. Vics Canvas | 7 | 72 |
9. Labeille | 29 | 489 |
10. Speed Dial | 357 | 4515 |
11. Beneficial Spir’ | 102 | 1394 |