Scoop 6 Race 4 Update 21st Jan 2023

Al Agaila (#3) has won the 2:47 at Lingfield Park which was race 4 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Morgan Fairy (#4) and Makinmedoit (#2).

There are now 926.88 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 14,314.34 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 5, the 3:22 at Lingfield Park: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 53 858.39
1. The Bell Conductor 174 2696.68
2. Strong Power 145 2191.02
3. Lord Riddiford 56 816.26
4. Silky Wilkie 267.88 4584.6
5. Stone Of Destiny 81 1209.51
6. Embour 54 657
7. Pop Dancer 45 668.88
8. La Roca Del Fuego 51 632

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