Scoop 6 Race 1 Update 28th Jan 2023

Il Ridoto (#10) has won the 1:50 at Cheltenham which was race 1 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Fugitif (#7), Precious Eleanor (#16) and Phoenix Way (#8).

There are now 3,820.29 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 11,131.50 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 2, the 2:40 at Doncaster: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 16 485.04
1. Grand Soir 614.51 1789.17
2. Hurricane Bay 17.88 117.64
3. Idalko Bihoue 697.16 1564.83
4. Mahons Glory 20 88
5. Maximilian 458.16 1274.07
6. Park This One 18.88 89.52
7. Rock On Cowboy 5 38
8. Stay Away Fay 1665.82 4779.52
9. The Wounded Knee 151 455.4
10. Twig 155.88 450.31

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