River Maigue (#8) has won the 12:50 at Kempton Park which was race 1 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were New Years Eve (#6) and Kings Lad (#1).
There are now 38030 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 48077 are live going for the place fund.
The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 2, the 1:25 at Kempton Park: –
Horse | Win Tickets | Place Tickets |
Fav. | 1249 | 1380 |
1. Grove Pride | 699 | 979 |
2. Rajdhani Express | 7016 | 9165 |
3. Coole River | 11960 | 14703 |
4. Valmari | 1660 | 2196 |
5. Elenika | 5339 | 6575 |
6. Monarch’s Way | 1012 | 1448 |
7. Aikideau | 1483 | 1967 |
8. Milarrow | 7612 | 9664 |