Scoop6 Races 17th March 2023

The races have now been confirmed for today’s Tote Scoop6 pool. They are: –

Race 1 – 1:30 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 179y – Runners: 15
Race 2 – 2:10 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 179y – Runners: 26
Race 3 – 2:50 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 7f 213y – Runners: 20
Race 4 – 3:30 Cheltenham – Distance: 3m 2f 70y – Runners: 13
Race 5 – 4:10 Cheltenham – Distance: 3m 2f 70y – Runners: 24
Race 6 – 5:30 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 4f 56y – Runners: 24

£24,588 rolled over into the win fund from the last Scoop6 and the prize funds will keep increasing up to the start of race 1.

Scoop6 Result 16th March 2023

Angels Dawn (#22) has won the 5:30 at Cheltenham which was the final race in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Stumptown (#15), Mr Incredible (#1) and Dunboyne (#6).

No one was able to pick all the winners of today’s six Scoop6 races so £24,588 will rollover to next time.

The place prize fund was also not won meaning an extra £4,345 will be added to next weeks win fund.

In total £28,934 will rollover starting off the prize funds for the next Tote Scoop6.

Scoop 6 Race 5 Update 16th Mar 2023

You Wear It Well (#3) has won the 4:50 at Cheltenham which was race 5 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Magical Zoe (#2) and Halka Du Tabert (#9).

There are now 0 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 1 are live going for the place fund.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

The remaining tickets still live and playing for the place fund on today’s Scoop 6 are on the following horses in the next race, the 5:30 at Cheltenham: –

Horse Place Tickets
5. Rapper 1

Scoop 6 Race 4 Update 16th Mar 2023

Seddon (#13) has won the 4:10 at Cheltenham which was race 4 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Fugitif (#6), Shakem Uparry (#16) and Gevrey (#18).

There are now 0 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 10 are live going for the place fund.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

The remaining tickets still live and playing for the place fund on today’s Scoop 6 are on the following horses in the next race, the 4:50 at Cheltenham: –

Horse Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 2
1. Luccia 3
2. Magical Zoe 1
8. Foxy Girl 1
12. Lot of Joy 1
17. Shecouldbeanything 2

Scoop 6 Race 3 Update 16th Mar 2023

Sire Du Berlais (#10) has won the 3:30 at Cheltenham which was race 3 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Teahupoo (#11) and Dashel Drasher (#3).

There are now 0 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 36.88 are live going for the place fund.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

The remaining tickets still live and playing for the place fund on today’s Scoop 6 are on the following horses in the next race, the 4:10 at Cheltenham: –

Horse Place Tickets
1. Haut En Couleurs 2
3. Stolen Silver 2
4. Midnight River 4
6. Fugitif 1
7. Il Ridoto 3
8. Datsalrightgino 3
10. War Lord 1
11. Coole Cody 1
12. So Scottish 5
13. Seddon 8
14. Marvel De Cerisy 1
16. Shakem Up’arry 1
20. Celebre D’allen 4
21. Frero Banbou 0.88

Scoop 6 Race 2 Update 16th Mar 2023

Good Time Jonny (#5) has won the 2:10 at Cheltenham which was race 2 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Salvador Ziggy (#1), Mill Green (#11) and Green Book (#9).

There are now 26.76 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 177.52 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 3, the 3:30 at Cheltenham: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 0 8
1. Ashdale Bob 1 4
2. Blazing Khal 3.88 20.88
3. Dashel Drasher 4 10
4. Flooring Porter 5 19
5. Gold Tweet 1 32
6. Henri Le Farceur 1 2
7. Home By The Lee 3.88 16.88
8. Klassical Dream 1 23
9. Paisley Park 3 22.88
10. Sire Du Berlais 0 2
11. Teahupoo 3 16.88

Scoop 6 Race 1 Update 16th Mar 2023

Stage Star (#8) has won the 1:30 at Cheltenham which was race 1 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were and Notlongtillmay (#7).

There are now 1,352.74 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 1,477.50 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 2, the 2:10 at Cheltenham: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 22 24
1. Salvador Ziggy 31.88 46.88
2. The Bosses Oscar 89 94
3. Maxxum 113.88 119.88
4. Itchy Feet 28 32
5. Good Time Jonny 26.76 31.76
6. Wakool 30 38
7. Captain Morgs 106 122
8. Coltor 56 58
9. Green Book 28 32
10. An Tailliur 95.41 102.41
11. Mill Green 65.88 66.88
12. Walking On Air 164.53 170.53
13. Glimpse Of Gala 38 50.88
14. Bear Ghylls 13 14
15. Hector Javilex 38.76 44.76
17. The Changing Man 47.88 51.88
18. Thanksforthehelp 315.76 327.76
19. Level Neverending 10 11
20. Burrows Park 2 2
21. Risk And Roll 1 3
22. Moka De Vassy 21 23
23. Takarengo 1 2.88
24. Brandy Mcqueen 7 8

Scoop6 Races 16th March 2023

The races have now been confirmed for today’s Tote Scoop6 pool. They are: –

Race 1 – 1:30 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 3f 168y – Runners: 9
Race 2 – 2:10 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 7f 213y – Runners: 24
Race 3 – 3:30 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 7f 213y – Runners: 11
Race 4 – 4:10 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 4f 127y – Runners: 24
Race 5 – 4:50 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 179y – Runners: 21
Race 6 – 5:30 Cheltenham – Distance: 3m 2f – Runners: 26

£15,897 rolled over into the win fund from the last Scoop6 and the prize funds will keep increasing up to the start of race 1.

Scoop6 Result 15th March 2023

A Dream To Share (#1) has won the 5:30 at Cheltenham which was the final race in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Fact To File (#9) and Captain Teague (#5).

No one was able to pick all the winners of today’s six Scoop6 races so £15,897 will rollover to next time.

34.64 tickets selected placed runners in today’s Scoop 6 races and will receive £104.20 each.

In total £15,897 will rollover starting off the prize funds for the next Tote Scoop6.

Scoop 6 Race 5 Update 15th Mar 2023

Maskada (#16) has won the 4:50 at Cheltenham which was race 5 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Dinoblue (#18), Global Citizen (#19) and Third Time Lucki (#4).

There are now 0 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 70.40 are live going for the place fund.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Tote Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6.

The remaining tickets still live and playing for the place fund on today’s Scoop 6 are on the following horses in the next race, the 5:30 at Cheltenham: –

Horse Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 1
1. A Dream To Share 23.76
3. Better Days Ahead 3
4. Captain Cody 1.88
5. Captain Teague 1
6. Chapeau De Soleil 1
8. Encanto Bruno 1
9. Fact To File 8.88
12. It’s For Me 12
15. Loughglynn 1
18. Westport Cove 2
19. Fun Fun Fun 9.88
22. Fiercely Proud 4