Scoop6 Races 19th October 2013

The races have now been confirmed for today’s Tote Scoop6 pool. They are: –

Race 1 – 2:20 Ascot – Distance: 0m 6f – Runners: 14
Race 2 – 2:35 Cheltenham – Distance: 2m 4f – Runners: 16
Race 3 – 2:55 Ascot – Distance: 1m 4f – Runners: 9
Race 4 – 3:30 Ascot – Distance: 1m 0f – Runners: 12
Race 5 – 3:45 Cheltenham – Distance: 3m 0f – Runners: 17
Race 6 – 4:05 Ascot – Distance: 1m 2f – Runners: 10

What to bet on the Scoop6 ? Find out about the current offers and free bets from totepool.

Scoop6 Result 12th October 2013

Scatter Dice (#17) has won the 3:50 at Newmarket (Rowley M) which was the final race in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Waterclock (#18), Lieutenant Mill (#12) and Chiberta King (#4).

No one was able to pick all the winners of today’s six Scoop6 races so £91,128 will rollover to next time.

14 tickets selected placed runners in today’s Scoop 6 races and will receive £2,109.70 each.

In total £91,128 will rollover starting off the prize funds for the next tote Scoop6. Don’t miss it.

Scoop 6 Race 5 Update 12th Oct 2013

Mass Rally (#5) has won the 3:30 at York which was race 5 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Seeking Magic (#19), Hallelujah (#8) and Jimmy Styles (#6).

There are now 0 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 94 are live going for the place fund.

As there are no tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next Scoop6. Join totepool now so you are ready to join in. Click the link for details of any free bet offer available today.

The remaining tickets still live and playing for the place fund on today’s Scoop 6 are on the following horses in the next race, the 3:50 at Newmarket (Rowley M): –

Horse Place Tickets
Fav. 1
1. Tiger Cliff 19
2. Oriental Fox 4
4. Chiberta King 1
5. Pallasator 15
6. Domination 11
7. Earth Amber 7
8. Broxbourne 2
9. Platinum 5
10. Clowance Estate 3
11. Smoky Hill 1
12. Lieutenant Mill’ 11
13. Brockwell 3
14. Moidore
15. Big Easy 3
16. Seaside Sizzler 1
17. Scatter Dice
18. Waterclock 2
19. Cosimo De Medici
20. Albert Bridge
21. Cousin Khee 1
22. Nanton
23. Poyle Thomas
24. Eagle Rock
25. Recession Proof 2
26. Taglietelle 1
27. Sohar
28. Los Nadis
29. Flashman
30. Sign Manual
31. Swinging Hawk
32. High Office
33. Merchant Of Dub’
34. Jonny Delta 1

Scoop 6 Race 4 Update 12th Oct 2013

War Command (#6) has won the 3:10 at Newmarket (Rowley M) which was race 4 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were and Cable Bay (#2).

There are now 21 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 245 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 5, the 3:30 at York: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
1. Spinatrix 2 16
2. Pastoral Player 4 10
3. Borderlescott 0 5
4. Doc Hay 1 8
5. Mass Rally 0 7
6. Jimmy Styles 0 6
7. Valbchek 0 7
8. Hallelujah 5 50
9. Ancient Cross 0 11
10. Baccarat 4 41
11. Bogart 0 7
12. Confessional 0 7
14. Humidor 0 2
15. Louis The Pious 3 22
16. An Saighdiur 0 3
17. Secret Witness 0 2
18. Khubala 1 8
19. Seeking Magic 1 31
20. Harrison George 0 2

Scoop 6 Race 3 Update 12th Oct 2013

Mushir (#5) has won the 2:55 at York which was race 3 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were No Leaf Clover (#7) and Brave Boy (#2).

There are now 50 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 572 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 4, the 3:10 at Newmarket (Rowley M): –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. 1 7
1. Anjaal 11 60
2. Cable Bay 0 25
3. Friendship 0 17
4. Outstrip 18 242
5. Stormardal 0 8
6. War Command 20 213

Scoop 6 Race 2 Update 12th Oct 2013

Astaire (#1) has won the 2:35 at Newmarket (Rowley M) which was race 2 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Hot Streak (#6) and Justice Day (#8).

There are now 368 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 2408 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 3, the 2:55 at York: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. 5 25
1. Blurred Vision 4 32
2. Brave Boy 48 213
3. Figure Of Speech 25 247
4. Haikbidiac 43 252
5. Mushir 50 284
7. No Leaf Clover 10 75
8. Northern Water 2 27
9. Outer Space 86 505
10. Rufford 81 675
11. Online Alexander 14 73

Scoop 6 Race 1 Update 12th Oct 2013

Seussical (#8) has won the 2:20 at York which was race 1 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Area Fifty One (#3) and Strictly Silver (#4).

There are now 7271 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 10997 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 2, the 2:35 at Newmarket (Rowley M): –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. 183 331
1. Astaire 368 589
3. Brown Sugar 124 299
4. Great White Eag’ 3156 4603
5. Green Door 53 153
6. Hot Streak 1095 1701
7. Jallota 61 126
8. Justice Day 69 118
11. Speedfiend 20 34
12. Sudirman 1286 1747
13. Supplicant 856 1296

Scoop6 Races 12th October 2013

The races have now been confirmed for today’s Tote Scoop6 pool. They are: –

Race 1 – 2:20 York – Distance: 1m 2f – Runners: 15
Race 2 – 2:35 Newmarket (Rowley M) – Distance: 0m 6f – Runners: 13
Race 3 – 2:55 York – Distance: 0m 6f – Runners: 11
Race 4 – 3:10 Newmarket (Rowley M) – Distance: 0m 7f – Runners: 6
Race 5 – 3:30 York – Distance: 0m 6f – Runners: 20
Race 6 – 3:50 Newmarket (Rowley M) – Distance: 2m 2f – Runners: 34

What to bet on the Scoop6 ? Find out about the current offers and free bets from totepool.

SuperScoop6 Result 6th October 2013

Moonlight Cloud (#10) has won the 4:40 at Arc which was the final race in today’s ToteSuperScoop6. Also placed were Gordon Lord Byr (#1) and Garswood (#7).

No one was able to pick all the winners of today’s six SuperScoop6 races so £14,494 will rollover to next time.

59 tickets selected placed runners in today’s Super Scoop 6 races and will receive £16.00 each.

In total £14,494 will rollover starting off the prize funds for the next tote SuperScoop6. Don’t miss it.

Super Scoop 6 Race 5 Update 6th Oct 2013

Treve (#18) has won the 3:15 at Arc which was race 5 in today’s ToteSuperScoop6. Also placed were Orfevre (#6) and Intello (#17).

There are now 0 tickets left playing for the SuperScoop6 win fund and 63 are live going for the place fund.

As there are no tickets left playing for the SuperScoop6 win fund it will rollover to the next SuperScoop6. Join totepool now so you are ready to join in. Click the link for details of any free bet offer available today.

The remaining tickets still live and playing for the place fund on today’s Super Scoop 6 are on the following horses in the next race, the 4:40 at Arc: –

Horse Place Tickets
Fav. 1
1. Gordon Lord Byr’ 10
2. American Devil
3. Dux Scholar
4. Sommerabend
5. Blarney Stone
6. Style Vendome
7. Garswood 1
8. Anodin
9. Intense Pink
10. Moonlight Cloud 47
11. Viztoria 4