Scoop 6 Race 5 Update 21st Jan 2023

Embour (#6) has won the 3:22 at Lingfield Park which was race 5 in today’s ToteScoop6. Also placed were Silky Wilkie (#4) and Strong Power (#2).

There are now 54 tickets left playing for the Scoop6 win fund and 8,291.01 are live going for the place fund.

The remaining tickets still live on the Scoop 6 are on the following horses in race 6, the 3:57 at Lingfield Park: –

Horse Win Tickets Place Tickets
Fav. Favourite 0 608.39
1. Starshiba 11 2203.7
2. Valentinka 3 157
3. Milltown Star 5 786.63
4. Asdaa 5 1010.39
5. Golden Mayflower 4 348
6. Alcazan 4 467.88
7. Super Den 6 1058.14
8. English Spirit 4 647
9. Covert Mission 3 250
10. Carpe Fortuna 1 62.88
11. Beautiful Crown 4 314
12. Gurkha Girl 4 377

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